April 2011 Photos
Links: National Maritime Museum, Flags
Found these fantastically graphic house flags over on the National Maritime Museum archive. A great resource. Link: here
Links: Abandoned Concrete
I can't figure out why I like these structures but one day I'll visit them all. The first is a series of pre-radar listening devices or acoustic mirrors in Dungeness.
Second is the sea forts at the Thames Estuary, Red Sands.
And lastly is the abandoned Bromhill Lido in Ipswich one of many which can be found on the incredibly beautiful 28 days later site- a real archive of forgotten and decrepit architectural treasures.
February 2011 Photos
New Favourite Photo
Found this gem in the Howard Grey archive the other day, from a road trip in Arizona and Nevada in 1992. Brilliant.
January 2011 Photos
Links Clearout: Tech
Great bits of tech scavenged from around the internet via BERG, Russell Davies, Its Nice That, and I can't remember where I found the projection mapping sand sculpture. (Fucking Wordpress is being weird I'm being stupid but I can't get videos to embed- you'll have to trust me and click the pics to check them out- sorry)