Had our territories presentations, I presented around collections and accumualting, curation, criteria and frames & boundaries. Here are some of the things I put in that I've been making the past week or so. This is the paraphernalia needed to collect, kill, mount and display butterflies and moths. I'm looking at the process with a view to creating some kind of machine that will collect and display in one artifact- perhaps the jar- i like the likeness to taxidermy display glass domes.
This is a very long shelf, about ten metres, in the studio. I created it as a space for a collection to occur but one which changes as people move things on and off it. It's just sort of looking at the boundaries for a collection and thinking about seriality in collections. It was directly inspired by the last Russel W. Belk quote from the previous post.
This is a pile of matchboxes. I intend to collect and curate an 'exhibition' a week- I was originally worried about what format this should take, an actual physical display would be too cumbersome and not bounded enough, a website would be forever unfinished and I didn't like that. I settled on a book- hopefully inkjet print when i get a printer and saddle stitched- this gives a consistent format for the curation side of things to be given more scope- i intend to use different labeling and organising systems- mainly to play and use them and get a better understanding of them- I realise the flaws in the actual acquisition of my 'collections' i.e. they are not true collections due to the contrived nature in which they were obtained (these were bought as a set from Deptford Market) but the real purpose is in the curation and indeed of the once a week thing, i will, through repetition be collecting collections.