Nice Website

rachel_bloch Lovely java (I think) based website from illustrator Rachel Bloch. It wouldn't suit for more project based designers as it's tricky to tell a clear story with this type of site but I think it's a great way for illustrators and probably photographers to show work. It lends the single items an objecty quality which I really like. I'm also a big fan of going to the extremities of the site and 'discovering' almost hidden items. Great Stuff. Link: here.

Concept website?

click Think this guy has got something interesting (don't know how successful it is but...). I think it's potential comes when you start to think about story telling and perhaps a book or comic (remember that ted talk I blogged that time...). It brings a more adventure and exploratory nature to the site. One of the first sites i've seen to begin to use the potential of the internet to speak. Lots of potential here- maybe words and pictures in the future? Link: here yo.